Thursday, January 30, 2014

My Half-Marathon Training Has Commenced

I will be running my first half-marathon in May, and this week I officially started training.  I have been running at the gym all winter, because I am a serious wimp, and can't stand the cold.  Also, I don't like to run in the dark, and that's basically the only time I can run.  I have just been doing about 6-10 miles a week, which I know isn't much-especially compared to the mileage I will be racking up soon.  But have you ever tried running 3+ miles on a treadmill??  It's mind-numbing.  Each second takes an eternity.  You're positive you've been running for 20 minutes, then you look down to see you've only been running for 5.

I had my first "long run" this last Friday, which was only 6 miles.  (I say "only" because it's not much compared to 13+ miles.)  It was a pretty nice day, so I hit the trail.  There were a few icy spots, but it was SO NICE to be outside.  And those 6 miles were way shorter than 3 on a treadmill.  I guess there's the perk: treadmill running makes you mentally stronger.  At least, it does for me.  

Anyway, I've been a little sick this week, so didn't get as many miles as I should have.  But, I'm determined to do my 7 long miles this weekend.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Running outside is definitely much better than running on the treadmill. HOPEFULLY, this can be a little more common with each passing day and we get closer and closer to good weather. Good luck on the training, can't wait to hear about your training.
