Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Out With The Old, In With The New

I have never really been one to make New Years resolutions. But I did have a couple of conscious goals for myself last year. I am happy to announce that I completed them: reading the entire standard works, and running a 5K! They each made me grow so much and I am so happy I did them. My friend encouraged me to make a list of resolutions for this year. It was really fun to think about how I really wanted to better myself and think about goals I wanted to accomplish. Here are a few from my list: 

1. Run a half marathon

2. Play more games with my kids

3. Hike to Ben Lomand peak

4. Study the Book of Mormon

I have my complete list by my bed, so hopefully it will keep me motivated. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. I never knew you had a blog! SWEET! I like your new years resolutions they are definitely awesome! I too am wanting to summit Ben Lomond Peak this year, I tried once in the past but got overrun by the major snow storms of 2011. Anyways IF you want to cheat and get to Ben Lomond fairly easy, there is a road from Mantua which takes you up to Willard Peak, from there it is only a one mile hop, skip and jump to Ben Lomond.
